0040 721 300 229; 0040 767 923 883; 0040 341 489 868
As a Crewing Agency,
ValDor CONSHIPPING represents one of the best recruiting services in Constanta, Romania,
fact based on the type of personnel trained to be at your help answering all the questions and requests coming from the seafarers or any other outsider, taking time to explain in details all the process of the domain we activate in.
We believe that if anyone can understand the importance of taking every single step of recruiting in consideration, it will improve the relationships between employers and employees, and also the action itself.
Our recruiting experience was achieved in time,
by passing through many obstacles and struggles,
but has reached a point of content by implementing our own way of identify and select the proper candidates,
with the help of various tests and interview forms that can allow us to opt for the best choises for our prestige clients
and continue our activity among the best recruiters
in the romanian maritime field.
We made an example of the services provided
by lining up some of the qualities ValDor's Team has to offer,
such as: transparency, amability, prompt responce to all the questions you may have, personnel well trained and always welcoming you with a smile and warmth, making you,
along with your interests,
our prime concern.
Our team is present on all social media channels, including the special web-sites for seafarers, so you can find the job openings easier and up to date.